Wednesday, October 31, 2007

MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications

Since it is impossible to do development without taking advantage of networking and distributed applications anymore, I will also go after this certification after the MCTS for windows development is complete. This one also consists of two exams, but the first will be complete when I complete the MCTS for web development.

  1. Exam 70–536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Application Development Foundation
  2. Exam 70–529: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Distributed Application Development

With this certification and the windows and web certifications complete you only have one more exam to get the MCPD: Enterprise Applications Developer.

  1. Exam 70–549: PRO: Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications by Using the Microsoft .NET Framework

With those out of the way you can focus on the developer and administration certifications for SQL Server 2005...

MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications

I guess my first preference will always be windows applications. I like everything I have read about WSS as a web development platform/framework but it is hard to give up years of Windows Development. This Certification actually consists of two exams but I will have the first out of the way when I complete the MCTS for web development.

  1. Exam 70-536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Application Development Foundation
  2. Exam 70-526: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Windows-Based Client Development

Once you have this complete you only have to take one more exam to get the MCPD Windows.

  1. Exam 70–548: PRO: Designing and Developing Windows Applications by Using the Microsoft .NET Framework

MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications

I want to work on this certification as part of the MCPD. It also helps me when working on the Sharepoint certifications. Currently I plan on working on this first. I have the self paced study material for these now. This certification consists of the following exams.

  1. Exam 70–536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation
  2. Exam 70–528: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Web-Based Client Development

Once you have this complete you only have to take one more exam to get the MCPD Web.

  1. Exam 70-547: PRO: Designing and Developing Web Applications by Using the Microsoft .NET Framework

Developer Certifications

Well I am working on a few Microsoft Certifications. Trying to update them to the latest Technologies. I have bought the Self Paced Books for the Certs. I learn most thing much better on my own.

So far I have the material for the following Certifications

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Certifications

Once these are complete it is fairly easy to go after the MCPD Certifications. Here you have

  1. MCPD: Web Developer (1 Additional Exam)
  2. MCPD: Windows Developer (1 Additional Exam)
  3. MCPD: Enterprise Applications Developer (1 Additional Exam)

So 7 exams later you have your MCPD for Enterprise Application Developers. Piece of cake, right? :-).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Life's Been Good

The last few entries have been a kind of jot them down cause I am thinking about them. I will put in some notes on WSS and WCF later this week.

Right now I am listening to the Eagles Live and in particular the version of Life's Been Good by Joe Walsh. Obviously they were having a good time when that was recorded.

I have created a playlist of all the tracks of music I own and randomized it. It is funny all the different music I have accumulated over the years. Weird hearing Weird Al followed by Arlo Guthrie and then Poison.

Can't remember now when and why I bought some of these but they are still pretty good.

Currently I am listening to Eagles Live Disc 1 by Eagles

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

IEEE Universe on

If you are a member if the IEEE and a member of LinkedIn you may want to join the Linked In IEEE Universe group at

Currently I am listening to Mascara & Monsters: The Best of Alice Cooper by Alice Cooper

Final Outsourcing Decisions at Micron

Apparently Micron has completed their study on what the want to do for outsourcing. Major changes for IT and probably some cultural changes for the company as a whole. I wish them well.

My friend Herb Lafond has some comments on the impact to my old team in his blog.

Currently I am listening to For Those About to Rock We Salute You by AC/DC

Small Changes

I have added a couple of widgets from Amazon.  I will keep updating my Google library with all the books in my collection as I add more or as I get to it (I have around 5000 books so this is going to take a while).

I also have about 10,000 tracks of music that I listen too.  I will try to get those out there sometime.  Until then I am passing on some of my favorite books and albums.

The Amazon widget at the bottom has some links to Albums and books in my library that are my favorites.  The Google Link on the right will list all my books at least as I add them.

Currently I am listening to Highway Companion by Tom Petty

Windows Live Writer PlugIns

Interesting set of Add Ins for windows Live Writer.  If you blog you should definitely take a look at Windows Live Writer.

Currently I am listening to An Innocent Man by Billy Joel

Monday, October 22, 2007

Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0

A friend of mine (Joe DeWitt) got me to looking at Windows Sharepoint Services as a development platform.  I had used Sharepoint MOSS 2003 at Micron and was aware of some of the features but had never really looked at the development features too heavily since t was based on .NET 1.1.

So when I started to look at what it would take to get my MCPD (web) I started taking a closer look at WSS 3.0.  I must say I am impressed.  I always tend to look at things from a developer perspective so I picked up a copy of Developer's Guide to Windows SharePoint Services V3 Platform.  Man this thing is cool.

I must admit I am only up to chapter 3 on Authentication and Authorization but so far I am really impressed.  Microsoft is providing a heck of a web development framework as a simple (and free) add on to Windows Server IIS.  With the addition of the workflow functionality in the .NET framework 3.0 you get a extremely powerful web development platform.  After playing some with the Orcas beta I can see that the next release of WSS will be even more amazing. 

I still plan on getting the MCPD Web but can see I will also be getting the MCTS for Sharepoint in addition to the Web certifications.   The functionality of WSS is just to cool not to use especially since WSS 3.0 is free (MOSS is a CAL based license but WSS 3.0 is available as a simple addon to IIS).

Currently I am listening to Antics in the Forbidden Zone by Adam Ant

Monday, October 8, 2007


Wow, IIS 7 looks pretty cool for building WCF Applications. I have installed all the nifty features for playing with IIS 7 and will see how you can deploy WCF applications to it. The more I use Windows Server 2008 the more I like it.

It turned out I had to enable all of the IIS Management features to get Sql Server 2005 to recognize that I had IIS installed. Otherwise it looks good.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Windows Server 2008 RC

I downloaded the release candidate for Windows Server 2008 after my MSDN presentation. I must say that is some pretty cool technology. I found the install much simpler after doing my Windows Server 2003 installs.

I Loaded it into a virtual machine on my Vista Buisness 64 bit laptop.

I just completed configuring it as a Domain Controller, DNS Server, Application Server and IIS Server Pretty cool and pretty easy.

After doing my presentation on WCF (I will blog more on this later) I am especially interested in some of the new options in IIS 7 options for hosting WCF applications.

I will probably end up with several VPC environments to test some stuff out. Right now I am looking at
  1. One where I install the July CTP of SQL Server 2008 (can I install Sharepoint services on this?)
  2. One where I install SQL Server 2005 standard and Sharepoint Services.
  3. One where I install the Orcas Beta 2 Team Foundation Server.

I am also going to configure a client VPC to run Vista Business 32 and the Orcas Beta Team suite.

I am sure I won't get this all correct the first time so I will be playing around with different versions of the server configuration. Nice time to have the 64 bit laptop and the Terrabyte disks. I will save off the VPC in various configurations then copy it back to add software or reconfigure it.