Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jay Sherlock

I first met Jay in the fall of 1997. I was doing props for the show “Flaming Idiots”. Jay was one of the actors in the show. I remember it as being 4 weeks of some of the best fun I had ever had. Jay was the kind of actor that was always telling jokes and making the work enjoyable.

Over the last 10 years I have worked with Jay in several productions at Stage Coach Theater and had the fun of watching him perform in numerous plays around town. He was always great.

I remember when Jay had returned from New York from visiting his son. He was very excited about having seen the Producers on Broadway. We talked for over an hour about New York, Broadway and the Producers. I later saw the same show at the Morrison Center but I know from talking to Jay his experience was so much more then mine.

Jay died yesterday at 86. The Statesman has a good right up on him at, but it does not really tell you what a great guy he was. I will miss him more then I can say. The world is a bit smaller place without him in it.

Goodbye Jay, and thanks for the memories.

Darrel Carver

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